Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Animal Farm

As I had mentioned before, we have a good piece of property with barns. However, we aren't quite venturing into the livestock farminess of it all. We do have a considerable cast of animals however, who play into our daily lives. I figured I could bring them into their own post. Never know when National Geographic is looking!

This is Bootsie. She is our 9 year old indoor cat. We got her and her sister prior to our marriage. Peepers passed on in 2005, and Boots has been a different cat. She is now friendly, likes attention, and loves to cuddle. It was like getting a whole new cat! She stays indoors for the most part, seeing how we had to have her declawed when we lived in the big city. She does like to go out to annoy the outdoor cats, by marking all over their territories.

This is Molly. She came to us in November 2006 as she had been obviously dumped. A perk to living in the boonies? She was skinny and took to us immediately. The important part of her existence was due to our older dog accepting her in. Cheyenne did NOT play well with others, but let this mongrel in. I think perhaps she may have known her days were numbered, as she passed in June 2007. Molly is my dog, she would have it no other way. Lovingly nicknamed "my right hip" because that is where she constantly is. That and always underfoot. She is sweet as cake, and about as smart as the box the mix came in.
Though no longer with us, she is still a big part of us. Cheyenne was a friend's dog, who was having some hard times, and was likely going to have to take her to a shelter. I couldn't let it happen. She used to be a search & rescue dog, and SO smart. I say she is still a part of our life, because unfortunately, Curious George learned about death the hard way. He still talks about her, he was her boy. She mothered over him and would "search" for him when we asked "Where's your boy?" Such a great dog!

I felt it only appropriate for Alley Cat to come into the story next. He was a dump too. Actually when he first showed up, we thought he was a she. Original name? Allie Cat. I know, we really changed it up once Spring hit and it was clear she was a HE. I have a theory, he showed up a tad later than Molly, and they are the BEST of buds. Hmmm, from the same dumper maybe? They play, Molly carries him around by the head... actually it is all really cute! He would LOVE to come indoors and live the high life of Iams. However, Bootsie is queen and will have nothing to do with that. Outside, Sam's Club food, and mice for you buddy.

Princess is next. She was a legal dump. A friend had her and the next cat Mya. Due to them marking territory indoors constantly, they needed to be outdoors. Alley has adjusted well to living with 2 women. Sorry bud, they are fixed. Princess is a baby. She cries like a baby & wants to be held like a baby. She is great with the kids since she was raised with kids about the age of mine.

Here's Mya. She came with Princess. We are still getting to know Mya, her first week here was rough on her. She lived in the culverts for a while before realizing we aren't that bad. She is starting to plump back up from frequent meals and is starting to let me hold her. She has also learned how to get Molly to back off rather easily.

Product rave: I guess this should be pet related...
Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo!
It is the best thing to wash your pets with since it is gentle on their skin/eyes. It also does well in the aid of killing fleas! It adheres to the fleas and essentially suffocates them. Give it a try!

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